
Sacrament Preparation: Restored Order Sacraments

Sacrament Preparation: Restored Order Sacraments

First Reconciliation, Confirmation, First Eucharist

The restored order is when a youth, after making first reconciliation, is then confirmed and receives First Communion at the Confirmation Mass. Candidates must be seven years or older.

Learn More.

Diane Irby
303-469-5171, ext. 103

Sacrament Preparation: Catholic Initiation for Children

Sacrament Preparation: Catholic Initiation for Children

For children seeking to become Catholic

If you are or have a child 7 to 17 years of age interested in becoming Catholic, look into our Christian Initiation for Children program. It is open to all unbaptized (in the Catholic faith) children who would like to become Catholic.

Learn More.

Beverly Ketchel
303-469-5171, ext. 104