A ministry to accompany couples on their marriage journey. We strive to:
Offer support and guidance on marriage and family through small groups of 4-6 families each
Create a local community to foster friendship, to take accountability, and to share our difficulties and successes
Help each other to live our Faith and to know Christ
If this is something you may be interested in, please fill out the following interest form, and we will be in touch with you soon!
For each couple, we suggest the following structure for the year.
Daily suggestion:
Pray the Angelus three times a day: when you wake up, at lunch, and at dinner
15 minutes of prayer time or Scripture reading
Before bedtime, say prayers, including the Memorare, with the children
Weekly suggestion:
Find a one-hour mini-retreat to pray, read, or meditate
Monthly suggestion:
Each couple has a meeting to compare their experience with the proposal of the Rule of the Families and to help each other be accountable for it.
During our “Half-Days Together,” all the families meet with their children, the priests, and the sisters for a Sunday afternoon together. We have lunch, singing, and some games. Then, while the kids have a moment with high school volunteers and some of the sisters, the adults have a talk with the priests.
Once a year, each small group shares a few days of vacation, usually during the summer, accompanied by the sisters and/or one of the priests. Prayer together, hikes, singing, good food, and nice conversations are the core of our proposal.
For a more complete explanation of the Families of St. John Paul II, click below to download our Rule booklet:
Half-day Presentation archives
Beverly Ketchel, b.ketchel@nool.us