“I have decided to restore the Sacraments of Initiation to their original order, that is, Baptism, Confirmation, and Eucharist. This will make available every sacramental grace the Church has to offer to children who have reached the age of reason.”

—Archbishop Samuel J. Aquila


As the Archbishop has requested, Nativity has restored the order of the sacraments. The Restored Order is when a baptized child, after making his or her First Reconciliation, is confirmed and also receives First Communion at the Confirmation Mass. For a more detailed explanation of the Restored Order, click here.

If you are a child or teenager who is a baptized Catholic but has not yet received Confirmation and/or First Eucharist, see below for details on our program. If you are an adult Catholic who is baptized but is looking to receive Confirmation and/or First Eucharist, please click here.


Those who approach the sacrament of Reconciliation (or “Penance”):

  • Obtain pardon from God's mercy for their offense.

  • Are reconciled with the Church which we have wounded by our sins.


Confirmation is necessary for the completion of grace received at Baptism. Through Confirmation, the baptized are:

  • More perfectly bound to the Church

  • Enriched with a special strength of the Holy Spirit

  • Obliged to spread and defend the faith by word and deed


The Holy Eucharist completes Christian initiation, and is the “source and summit” of the faith. Through the Eucharist, we participate with the whole community in the Lord’s own sacrifice.


At Nativity, we have one Restored Order Mass each year in the spring, for which registrations typically open in January. If registrations are currently open, you will find a link to the form at the bottom of this page.

Once you have registered, you will receive more information on the sacrament preparation process and will be added to a Flocknote group, through which we will communicate with you.


Candidates seeking the Restored Order (First Reconciliation, Confirmation, and First Eucharist) must be a baptized Catholic who is 7 years or older. She or he must have two years of Faith Formation (first grade or up) within two years of receiving the sacraments.

Candidates solely seeking Confirmation need to have one year of Faith Formation (first grade or up) within two years of receiving the sacraments.

Faith Formation includes Religious Education (grades 1–5) classes at Nativity (or other) Catholic schooling, homeschool Religious Education, and Venturers of the Star Middle School group.


Parent Involvement

As mandated by Archbishop Aquila, parents are to be actively involved in their children’s sacrament process.  This means they are expected to attend classes, assist with homework, and accompany their children through the many aspects involved in preparing for the sacraments.

Four Classes

Candidates and their parents are expected to attend four preparation classes. The class dates will be listed on the registration form.


In addition to activities like going to the Cathedral for Mass and partaking in a family holy hour, candidates are required to complete two homework packets that will be distributed after they are registered.


Candidates choose a sponsor to accompany them during the sacrament of Confirmation and beyond.  This sponsor should not be the candidate’s parent, and should be a faithful Catholic who is committed to helping the candidate lead a Christian life.


After attending preparation classes, the candidate will go to the sacrament of Reconciliation on his or her own, ideally accompanied by a parent and/or other family members.  Then, he or she will receive first Eucharist and Confirmation at the Restored Order Mass.

At Nativity, we have two Restored Order Masses each year in the spring. Candidates and their sponsors must attend a rehearsal shortly before the ceremony, and must arrive early for the ceremony itself.

Restored Order registration has closed. Please contact Diane Irby with any questions.

With questions, contact:
Diane Irby, d.irby@nool.us, 303-731-0425