Holy Orders is the sacrament of apostolic ministry, through which the mission entrusted by Christ to His apostles continues to be exercised in the Church until the end of time. Through reception of this sacrament, priests are ordained to proclaim the Word of God and to restore communion with God by sacrifices and prayer.
On Saturday, May 25, 2024, the Fraternity of Saint Charles Borromeo seminarians Matthew Conte and Matthew Tobin, originally from New York and Washington D.C., respectively, were admitted as candidates for Holy Orders, the first step towards the priesthood. The rite took place during a Holy Mass celebrated at the House of Formation in Rome.
If you are feeling called to the priesthood or would like to learn more about the sacrament of Holy Orders, contact Roberta Hebert. She will set up an appointment for you with one of our priests.
Roberta Hebert, r.hebert@nool.us, 303-469-5171