As each one has received a gift, use it to serve one another as good stewards of God’s varied grace. Whoever preaches, let it be with the words of God; whoever serves, let it be with the strength that God supplies, so that in all things God may be glorified through Jesus Christ, to whom belong glory and dominion forever and ever. Amen.
1 Peter 4:10-11

Stewardship is a way of saying “yes” to the new relationship with God that Jesus brings us. The acceptance of our belonging to God, our creator, has its greatest indication in the way we live in relationship with one another and with material things. Each year, Nativity executes a stewardship initiative, during which we invite parishioners to make commitments of prayer and faith, time and talent, and treasure.

To make your commitment to treasure, click below. You will be directed to an online form.

PRAYEr & faith

Since stewardship is fundamentally about our relationship with God, prayer, and faith are integral components. Without a committed prayer and faith life, our gifts of time, talent, and treasure become empty gestures. Flowing from serious prayer, however, they become outward signs of our personal encounter with the Living God.


While we jump very quickly to think about the monetary implications of living out stewardship, they are by no means the only areas of our life where the call to stewardship echoes the call of Christ to discipleship. The use of our time and our talents is also a vital part of living this new relationship that Christ has brought into the world.


Stewardship also consists of giving monetarily. As a tithing community, Nativity gives to charity one-tenth of the offertory we receive. We invite our parishioners to give in this way as well by pledging a certain amount to Nativity each month or year. We suggest giving five percent, but we encourage you to start with whatever you can give. The other five percent, the so-called ‘second pocket,’ is for all the other needs and charities that appeal to us.

For a comprehensive list of the many ways to get involved at Nativity, please click below.



Diane Denfeld, Director of Stewardship | 303-469-5171, ext. 106