If you are an adult Catholic who has been baptized but never confirmed, you are eligible for our adult confirmation program, which consists of the following:



Candidates are expected to attend preparation classes led by our Faith Formation Director and priests.


Candidates choose a sponsor to accompany them during the sacrament of Confirmation and beyond. This sponsor should not be the candidate’s parent, and should be a faithful Catholic who is committed to helping the candidate lead a Christian life. Sponsors must complete a Sponsor Eligibility Form.


After attending preparation classes, the candidate will receive Confirmation at the Restored Order Mass. If the candidate has not already received his or her First Eucharist, they should discuss this with the Director of Faith Formation before beginning to determine the best path to sacraments.

At Nativity, the candidates receive their sacraments at the Restored Order Mass. This Mass traditionally happens in the Spring, unless otherwise stated in the schedule. Candidates and their sponsors must attend a rehearsal the week of the ceremony and must arrive early for the ceremony itself.


Beverly Ketchel, b.ketchel@nool.us, 303-731-0425