OCTOBER 21–22, 2023

God has blessed me with contentment

My family has always tithed; 10% right off the top, before anything else. It was my spouse who believed in this. I was not always on board. I didn’t fight it, but I didn’t understand it either.

As the years went by, my feelings about tithing changed. It started simple. I remember having a young family and thinking I needed all these things, and then realizing my parents didn’t have all that, and they were just fine. They were happy. That was the start of my blessing of contentment.

Through the years, as I’ve paid attention, I see that God has blessed me with contentment. I don’t have a need to keep up with the Jones’. In all honesty, I can say I am blessed with having a lot, but I am not nagged with the feeling of always wanting more. I am happy with what I have. I understand that this is a blessing because it is not the “American Way” of always striving for the newest car, the latest phone, a bigger home. I’m thankful for this blessing because it has freed me from so many struggles in life.

Now I tithe the money I get and the time I have, not just my family's money and time. I have seen that when I add prayer I have resisted doing—because I think I don’t have the time in my routine—the time I spend in prayer seems to evaporate and I still have all the time I need to get things done. If I am blessed with a raise or a windfall, I give 10% of that to my parish and other Catholic organizations. It’s second nature to me now.

A few years ago, it dawned on me that my children probably don’t know we tithe because we are online givers. I shared this with them and am sharing with them the blessings we receive. I’m always amazed at how things just work out for us. I always tell them it’s because we tithe. I know it’s because we trust that God will take care of us. 

Nativity Parishioner

SUNDAY, OCTOBER 22, 2023 | 7:30 AM MAS
Hannah & Michael Bralish
SUNDAY, OCTOBER 22, 2023 | 9:30 AM MASS
Rachel & Nick Bradley
SUNDAY, OCTOBER 22, 2023 | 11:30 AM MASS
Sarah & Luke Helwig
Elizabeth & Adam Gleason

NOVEMBER 12–13, 2022

Saturday 4:30pm Mass
Bridget & Teddy Ariniello
Sunday 7:30am Mass
Bridget Ariniello
Sunday 9:30am Mass
Christoph Goss
Sunday 11:30am Mass
John Frye
Sunday 5:00pm Mass
Ryan & Kim Siurek