Altar Serving

Altar Serving

Assisting the priests with liturgical celebrations

Boys and girls are eligible to serve at Mass from the time they have received their First Communion until the end of ninth grade. We offer mandatory new server training sessions each spring and fall. Once training has been completed, altar servers are able to serve at Mass and all other liturgical events.

Click here for more information

To join:

Luke Hellwig

Christian Unity

Christian Unity

Promoting Christian ecumenism through prayer

The Christian Unity group seeks to promote and practice unity among Christians, just as Jesus prayed: “that they may all be one” (John 17:21). We organize prayer events, hold interdenominational worship moments, and distribute personal devotional material related to Christian Unity.

To join:

Nick Bradley

Boy Scouts

Boy Scouts

Scouting group for boys

Open to all boys from sixth grade to 18 years old. We offer the chance for boys to develop into leaders through positive mentoring and activities that will expand their knowledge, develop new skills, and help them be dedicated citizens.

Joe Denfeld

Collection Counters

Collection Counters

Counting the Sunday collection

Collection Counters count as a team of four, counting the Sunday offertory and special collections. We have two sessions available: Monday mornings at 10:00 am or Monday afternoons at 3:45 pm. Each session usually takes about one hour to complete. Each volunteer is scheduled about once a month.

Bonnie Skelton
303-469-5171, ext. 140

CLU (Communion and Liberation University Students)

CLU (Communion and Liberation University Students)

CL group for college students

CLU is a group for college students and recent high school graduates looking for a place to share life with others and understand what faith has to do with our daily lives. We meet regularly each week to discuss our experiences with the help of the writings of Fr. Luigi Giussani.

Elijah Salem

Eucharistic Adoration

Eucharistic Adoration

Eucharistic Adoration

St. John Paul II said, “The best, the surest, and most effective way to establish peace on the face of the earth is through the great power of Perpetual Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament.” Our Adoration Chapel is open for drop in visits Monday through Friday between 8:00 am and 5:00 pm or you can sign up for a weekly hour through the link below.

To sign up for an hour, click here.

To join:

Kristen Hamill
Joanne Farver

Adoration Chapel Administrative Volunteers

Administrative help needed for adoration coordination and watching adorer's web page.

Kristen Hamill

Eucharistic Ministers: Liturgical

Eucharistic Ministers: Liturgical

Help distribute the Eucharist during Mass

Extraordinary Ministers are mandated ministers who assist the priest in the distribution of the Eucharist during Mass. If you feel called to help the priests bring Christ to others, contact Jesse to see if there is a need for new Eucharistic Ministers at this time.

Jesse Oliver
303-469-5171, ext. 136

Eucharistic Ministers: Homebound, Hospitals, Living Facilities

Eucharistic Ministers: Homebound, Hospitals, Living Facilities

Help distribute the Eucharist outside of Nativity

Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion for the homebound, hospitalized, or people in living facilites assist the priest in the distribution of the Eucharist outside of Nativity. If you are interested, please contact Lynne to see if there is a need for new Eucharistic Ministers at this time.

Lynne Gallagher
303-469-5171, ext. 101

Formation: Catechesis of the Good Shepherd (CGS)

Formation: Catechesis of the Good Shepherd (CGS)

Hands-on catechesis for early Catholic learning

CGS is a program through which children ages 3-9 are assisted in developing values of contemplation and enjoyment of God. We offer a hands-on approach to experiential learning centered on the Catholic faith.

Learn More.

Diane Irby
303-469-5171, ext. 103

Formation: Religious Education Classes

Formation: Religious Education Classes

Catholic classes for grades 1-5

Enroll your child in Religious Education classes. Classes run throughout the school year on Tuesday and Wednesday evenings. Our curriculum is based on Catholic scripture, tradition, and magisterium.

Learn More.

To join:

Diane Irby
303-469-5171, ext. 103

Formation: Venturers of the Star

Formation: Venturers of the Star

Middle school youth

Venturers is our middle school youth group, led by Fr. Accu and affiliated with Communion and Liberation. All 6th through 8th graders are invited to join us weekly throughout the school year to play games, sing songs, and share our lives together. Venturers offers middle school students a beautiful opportunity to take their faith seriously and learn to recognize God’s presence in every moment of their lives.

Learn More.

Fr. Accursio Ciaccio
303-469-5171, ext. 111

Families of St. John Paul II

Families of St. John Paul II

A ministry to accompany couples on their marriage journey

This ministry offers support and guidance on marriage and family through small groups of 4-6 families accompanied by our priests and sisters. The families help each other live their faith and know Christ.

Learn more.

To join:

Beverly Ketchel
303-469-5171, ext 104