The Rite for Christian Initiation for Children (RCIC) is the preparation process for being fully received into the Church for children and youth ages 7–17.


Children seeking RCIC (the sacraments of Baptism, Confirmation, and First Eucharist) must have one of the following before registering for RCIC:

  • One year of Religious Education: Catholic school, R.E. (grades 1–5), or Catholic home school

  • One year attending Middle School Venturers of the Star group at Nativity let by Fr. Accursio Ciaccio, F.S.C.B or GS/High School youth group let by Fr. Emanuele Fadini, F.S.C.B.


Parent Involvement

As mandated by Archbishop Aquila, parents are to be actively involved in their children’s sacrament process.  This means they are expected to attend classes, assist with homework, and accompany their children through the many aspects involved in preparing for the sacraments. In addition to the four classes (see below), parents will be asked to attend one baptism class at Nativity.

Religious Education

During this year of preparation for the sacraments, the child will continue to attend (in-person) weekly Religious Education classes. This on-going faith formation will support the child thru the community of his/her peers and the priests and sisters. Additional support will be given thru their small group designed just for students preparing for sacraments.

Four Classes for Child and Parents

Candidates and their parents are expected to attend four preparation classes, which are held on Thursday nights at 6:30 pm. The class dates will be listed on the registration form.


In addition to activities like going to the Cathedral for Mass and partaking in a family holy hour, candidates are required to complete any homework distributed after they are registered. Parents and students are to work together on all homework assignments.


Candidates choose a Godparent to accompany them during the RCIC process and beyond. The Godparent cannot be the candidate’s parent and should be a faithful Catholic who is committed to helping the candidate lead a Christian life. Godparents must complete a Godparent Eligibility Form.


RCIC students will be given a mentor to walk with them through the sacrament preparation process. Mentors, selected and assigned by the RCIA director, have gone through the process themselves and serve as personal guides along the RCIC journey. Candidates may choose to have their mentor to be their Godparent.


The steps of RCIC include a number of liturgical moments, during which those seeking to become Catholic are presented to the community, accepted as “catechumens,” and called to “election.” For detailed information on these steps, click here.


The sacraments of initiation are Baptism, Confirmation, and Eucharist. Our RCIC program prepares individuals for the reception of these sacraments as well as the sacrament of Penance. RCIC candidates will enter the Church through the sacraments of Baptism, Confirmation, and Eucharist during the Easter Vigil Mass.


Beverly Ketchel,, 303-469-5171, Ext. 104