Shades of Holiness: The Mystery of St. Joseph
By Fr. John Roderick, F.S.C.B.
March, 2023
In the coming days, we will celebrate the Solemnity of St. Joseph, the spouse of the Virgin Mary. He is one of the greatest saints and a figure that enlightens the nature and mission of being a man. St. Joseph is portrayed as a very mysterious figure in the writings of the New Testament, only appearing in a handful of stories in the Gospels. His silence and virtue have been the study of many great writers throughout history. Today, more than ever our contemporary culture grapples with the difficult question of what it means to be man and what is the purpose and mission of men in the world. Why is there this confusion? In the past century, many significant changes have contributed to the forgetfulness and doubt of God’s original plan for man and woman, created in His image and likeness. We are no longer confident in our call to live in a covenant of love and friendship in marriage, to work and to be guardians of creation. In St. Joseph we can discover anew the greatness of man through him who goes about serving God and his family in discreet and humble ways.
In this reflection I would like to meditate with you on the various shades of holiness that we can discern in the life of St. Joseph to help us understand the beauty of God’s plan for being a man fully a live, in service to the world and to the Church.
MAN OF SILENCE. Throughout the entire New Testament, no words are spoken by St. Joseph. He is a man who speaks through his silence, who communicates through his contemplative gaze and hard-working carpentry hands, and decisive actions. It is not so much that he cannot speak or does not have anything to say, but he is a man completed rooted in the prayerful silence of his relationship with God.
MAN OF PRAYER. St. Joseph lived the entirety of his life in an intimate dialogue with the Father. On four occasions prior to making very significant decisions for his life and that of his family, we find him deep in prayer, receiving divine instruction through God’s messengers the angels. He let his life be defined and led by God.
MAN OF DISCERNMENT. During his life St. Joseph had to make some very difficult decisions: to take Mary as his wife and trust that the child was of the Holy Spirit, to get up in the middle of the night and leave for a foreign country because King Herod wanted to kill all the newborn male children, and to return to Nazareth after years in Egypt. He teaches us that discernment begins with a complete and open heart that listens to God. St. Joseph does not seek explanations from God but lovingly accepts His will for his life and that of his family amidst all the difficulties and incomprehensions.
MAN OF PROTECTION. St. Joseph lived his life in service and protection of Mary and their son Jesus. He protected his family from Herod’s terrible plan to kill the male children. He protected and fostered the fulfillment of their vocations, their relationships with God the Father. Today, St. Joseph is the universal patron and protector of the Church. We can invite him to protect our families, our personal vocations and the life of the Church.
MAN OF ACTION. Flowing from his discernment and his personal relationship with God, St. Joseph was able to take action when it was needed. He never sat on the fence or twiddled his thumbs. He acted when Mary was about to give birth and found a humble place for her in the stable. He took action when his family was threatened. He always acted out of the best interest and in service to Mary and Jesus.
MAN OF JUSTICE. St. Joseph is commonly known as the just man for his ability to know the right thing to do and the courage to do it. He lived his whole life ready to carry out God’s will as revealed to him in the Law and through his dreams.
MAN OF LOVE. St. Joseph lived his marital love for Mary with chastity. He is known as the “chaste spouse”which means living according to the truth and fullness of love. He respected God’s plan for his relationship with Mary in truth. He gave himself and embraced God’s call to live the sacrifice of virginity knowing that it was in order to realize God’s plan of salvation. He loved her with true freedom.
MAN OF THE FAMILY. St. Joseph was a loving father who was always ready to sacrifice himself for the good of his family. St. Joseph never placed his own needs first but was completely dedicated to Mary and Jesus. He let himself be defined first and foremost by his relationship with God and the mission God gave him to be the guardian of the Holy Family. God and family always came first.
Each of these shades of holiness reveal an aspect of the beauty and mission of being a man and a disciple of Jesus Christ. As we celebrate the example of the holiness of St. Joseph, let us also invite him into our lives. He is a great beacon of light and hope for the obscurity and confusion of our contemporary times. I would like to invite everyone to pray to St. Joseph for a renewal of the Church, for marriages and families of our parish, and especially the vocation of men, that we may follow in his spirit and his example. Happy feast of St. Joseph!